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The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.”
~ Shiv Singh, Head of Business Transformation, VISA Card
Social Referrals
Social Referrals
Fans With Benefits (FWB) identifies your happiest customers, and gets them to invite their friends to try out your business.
For Companies
Fans With Benefits (FWB) provides results, by the amount of genuine Word of Mouth created, and Referrals made.
Companies benefiting from Fans with Benefits (FWB)
We help companies identify their REAL FANS via a monthly Net Promoter Score (NPS).
And we help these fans do what they do best - sharing positive experiences amongst their own friends, and generating tangible results for your business.
benefiting from
Fans With Benefits (FWB)
For fans, these benefits take many forms, such as special try-outs, invitations to back-stage events, and access to limited editions offered by your favorite companies.
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